Monday, March 27, 2023

What is english gematria?

english gematria, sometimes referred to as Standard Gematria, is an ancient system of numerical values assigned to the letters of the alphabet. It is based on the numerology of Hebrew and Greek alphabets, which assign numerical value to each letter in the alphabet. The concept has been used for centuries in Jewish mysticism and occult secrets. In English Gematria, every letter of the alphabet has a corresponding number that can be used to calculate its numerical value when combined with other numbers in a word or phrase.

English Gematria is based on two common Hebrew systems - Mispar Katan and Mispar gadol. In Mispar Katan, each letter is assigned numerical value between 1 and 500 (except for special letters - Tav and Shin which are given different values). In Mispar gadol, the same letters are assigned numerical value between 1 and 1000. When combined, these two systems form a numeric code that has some unique properties that are highly sought after by scholars who study esoteric subjects such as Kabbalah and astrology.

English gematria also allows for unique patterns or hidden meanings to be encoded in words or phrases. For instance, when arranged correctly certain numbers may have a special meaning or reveal some kind of information about the person being studied. This occurs when certain words or phrases add up to significant numbers within English gematria systems such as 777 or 88 - both numerologically important numbers associated with good luck and success in life (in Jewish mysticism). Similarly, some numerologists believe that by studying various English gematria combinations they can gain insights into universal truths related to life and destiny that would otherwise remain unreachable.

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